Pokemon Bank Clean Up

Featuring me talking about how much I hate Bank/HOME

So recently, I watched this video about what will be lost once Pokemon Bank shuts down. If you didn't know, Nintendo announced that they would be shutting down the online servers for both the 3DS and Wii U. Of course, this made people worried that this would include Pokemon Bank. Pokemon Company did clarify that no, Bank was not shutting down yet.


They specifically said that while it wasn't shutting down with the other 3DS online stuff, they did recommend moving anything you had in Bank over to HOME as soon as they could. Which does imply that it might be shutting down sooner than we expect.

So, after watching the video, I decided to make a spreadsheet with everything that would be lost to time! And decided to share it since well I wanted one so I'm sure there's other people out there that want it too.

Get the spreadsheet here

Just save a copy of it and it should be good. There's even little checkboxes to use :).

...But while I'm here.

I can't be the only person that doesn't like Bank/HOME right.

For me, I never liked it. It bothered me that now we needed to pay to bring Pokemon up to the newer games. When I was a kid, it was just as simple as being sad because I wouldn't be able to get it since. Well I was a kid and didn't have money or a credit card. But now, it's also the fact that things like this can happen, where Pokemon can just be locked behind the old games forever because they don't want to keep the servers up anymore. Also the money issue, there was no reason to start charging money for this when none of the previous Generations had done it beforehand. And also not everyone can afford it and I wish more people like acknowledged that lol.

I don't know, it kinda feels like everyone just sorta accepted Pokemon Bank without much complaint. I know that probably isn't true since I was like 13 when it first launched and wasn't really looking at as much discussion like that, but...yknow.

The thing that really sucks is that, usually, I would just trust that people would remake Bank in some way. And I'm sure they will! I'm pretty confident that once Bank shuts down, some team out there will remake it so you can still store Pokemon there.

The issue is HOME. I don't know if it will be possible to bring Pokemon onto the Switch post Bank shut down, even with fan mods. My guess is that there will be something in HOME that prevents it? Which really sucks that things are eventually just gonna be stuck in the older games. Like yeah, I'm sure eventually all the Pokemon will be available on the Switch, but that doesn't really help with older Pokemon that have sentimental value.

Idk I've just been thinking about it. And well it's my site so now everyone has to read it 💝