

This is an expansion of canon lore.
Not all of it is what I came up with, and it may differ from what is seen in canon

World-hoppers are magical beings in the world of Dappervolk.

Table of Contents
  1. Description
  2. Magic
  3. Trivia


World-hoppers are mysterious people that suddenly showed up in the world of Dappervolk. They appear in seemingly random places, with no memories of who they were or where they came from. They are characterized by the pets that accompany them and their penchant for adventuring.

So far, humans, animals, elven, and galactics have appeared as world-hoppers.


World-hoppers have unique magic in the form of animation. With this, a world-hopper can bring to life seemingly ordinary objects and keep these as pets. These pets have no need for things like food, although they are known to like sweets. They also seem to be more intelligent than normal animals, with some even capable of speech. Animation magic is not exclusive to world-hoppers, but most world-hoppers are capable of it.

They can also perform alchemy with both items and pets. This involves taking five items or pets and combining them together in a specialized cauldron to make something new.

A world-hopper's magic, unlike most magic in Dappervolk, comes from within themselves instead of from the world's leylines. As such, their magic is unaffected by the decay of magical energy.
